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Sunday, June 21, 2009


She was enjoying her freedom with the nature, the lovely trees, the chirping birds and the swift squirrels.
"Nanu, where are you?", mom's call.
"In the garden, ma"
"Get dressed up exquisitely".
"A family is coming for bride-seeing ceremony".

My second work in 55 work fiction. Dont forget to tell me how you liked it! :)


  1. Is this really a fiction :D
    I doubt i though ;)

    Nice one :)

  2. A story common to not-so-well-developed-indian-towns na! Nice one :)
    Me too thinking of writing atleast one 55 fiction story but I couldn't frame even a single gud story by myself :(

  3. ha..ha...very lovelly :P :P :P
    actually indian systems should cahnge for dating culture..loving sum1...
    both have to love each other...inconditionally...then they should deceide their mrg..and invite others....

    bothering a gal's heart in mrg is so painfull and stupidity of getting married to unknown person in name of culture and systems..

    how come a guy can expect a happy from a sarrowed wife? :O

    any guy or gal have to be individualistic to get into their family..
    they have to love each other madly bfr a relationship,...

    so freedom and happiness is basic everywhere..any person will hate a relationship which bothers this 2...

    okie..i think i am diverted out of topic..
    and its a very very nice fiction...says true abt a females heart in "bride groom seeing"

    lovely attempt dear :D :D :D

  4. @grumblings
    haha.. this one came from my imagination, so u neednot doubt!! n thnx :)

  5. @rajesh
    Ya Rajesh :) well.. i believe u vl write n vl come with a 55 word story soon :) thnx :)

  6. @ Experiencing
    "bothering a gal's heart in mrg is so painfull and stupidity of getting married to unknown person in name of culture and systems.." true indeed sis. n thnk u for ur long n lovely comment :)

  7. soon it will be changed as "bridegroom seeing ceremony" :P
    let us hope...:D

  8. nice post priyanka :) had a mixed emotion reading it..

  9. excellent work......giv me sum tips wat is ur sycological thinkin' behind creating story tellin paintings


Thnx for your valuable feedbacks :)